It’s almost impossible to write a frontend without any UI framework nowadays.
All these frameworks provide some kind of mechanism that, whenever we change a value in JavaScript,
some element in UI will be changed automatically. For example, adding new row to a table
when we push a item into a list.
But how does this work under the surface?
That’s the Proxy Object.
Internal Method and Proxy
We need to talk about internal method in JS first.
A internal method is a special method/function that decide how a object behaves in JS runtime.
For example, [[GET]] internal method determines the result when we access some property prop
from an object obj, e.g. obj.prop. And [[Call]] internal method determines what to
proceed when we call the object obj as a function, e.g. obj().
These internal methods can be intercepted and customized from some existing object,
with a Proxy instance.
For example, if we want to intercept the property-read action of some object. Here is the way to do.
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var person = { name: "Alice" };
var agent = newProxy( person, { get: function(target, property, receiver) { console.log(`access "${property}" as ${target[property]}`); return target[property]; }, }, );
var _ =; // prints: access "name" as Alice"
In the snippet above, agent is the proxy object instance.
The second argument to Proxy constructor is the handler, and the get function in that handler
is a trap to the [[GET]] internal method.
The set Trap for Binding
Just like we can intercept the property read action for some object, we can also intercept
the property write action. And that’s what UI frameworks do underneath.
Assuming we have a paragraph in DOM tree, identified by id greeting.
We can ensure that the text is updated automatically when we are doing some
change to JavaScript object.
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var element = document.querySelector('#greeting'); var handler = { set: function(target, property, value, receiver) { if (property !== 'text') returnfalse; target[property] = value; element.textContent = value; // react to the change returntrue; } };
var greeting = newProxy({text: element.textContent}, handler); console.log(greeting.text); // print 'Hi' greeting.text = 'Hello'; // the text in the html page will be changed accordingly.
Once this proxy object is created, we make the view (HTML) reactive to
the model (JavaScript object), and the binding is established.
In the examples above, we may noticed that all the intercepted objects are an object literally.
That means we can not do similar thing to primitive type in JS, like number and string.
And that do have impact on the design of UI framework.
For example, Vue.js framework has a ref() wrapper for that.
However, Proxy is still a powerful feature in JS, and probably the most important feature
for any senior engineer who need to work with JS.
So just get used to it. :D
But it’s intended to be a storage accessed through network, so any operation on it is
inherently going to fail at some time.
Also, We are 2024 now, loving FP, preferring expression over statement, monadic operation
being so cool.
Thus we decide to wrap all return type in std::optional to indicate these actions may fail.
...\include\optional(100,26): error C2182: '_Value': this use of 'void' is not valid
Well. template stuff.
What Happened?
The problem is that void is an incomplete type in C/C++, and always to be treat specially
when we are trying to use them.
By incomplete in C/C++, we mean a type that the size of which is not (yet) known.
For example, if we forward declare a struct type, and later define it’s member. The struct type
is incomplete before the definition.
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Item item; // <- invalid usage, since that the size of Item is unknown yet.
structItem { int price; };
Item item; // <- valid usage here.
And void is a type that is impossible to be complete by specification.
But we can have a function that return void?
Well, we return nothing
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voidfoo(){ }
voidfoo(){ return; } // Or explicit return, both equivalent.
BTW, C before C23 prefer putting a void in parameter list to indicate that a function takes
nothing, e.g. int bar(void), but is’s kinda broken design here.
Since that we can not evaluate bar(foo()). There is no such thing that is a void and exists.
Conceptually, std::optional<T> is just a some T with additional information of value-existence.
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template <typename T> structMyOptional { T value; bool hasValue; };
Because that there is impossible to have a member void value,
std::optional<void> is not going to be a valid type at first place.
(Well, we can make a specialization for void, but that’s another story.)
So, How can We Fix?
The problem here is that there is no a valid value for void in C/C++.
At some level, program can be though of a bunch of expressions. An running a program
is just the evaluation of these expressions. (Also the side effects, for real products / services)
The atom of expression is value. If there is a concept that’s not possible to be express
as a value, we are kicking ourselves.
Take Python for example, if we have a function that return nothing, then the function actually
returnsNone when it exits.
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deffoo(): pass
assert(foo() isNone) # check pass here
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deffoo(arg: None) -> None: pass
defbar(arg: None) -> None: pass
bar(foo(None)) # well.. if we really want to chain them together
So nothing itself is a thing, in Python, we call it None.
Every expression now is evaluated to some value that exists, the the type system build up that
is complete at any case.
The concept of nothing itself here is call unit type in type theory.
It’s a type that has one and only one value.
In Python, the value is None, in JavaScript it’s null, in Golang … maybe struct{}{} is a
good choice, although not standardized by the language.
Unit Type in C++
Now is the time for C++. As we already see, void is not a good choice for unit type because we
can not have a value for it. Are there other choices here?
Just define a empty struct and use it probably not a good choice, since that
now our custom unit type is not compatible with unit type from other code in the product code base.
How about nullptr, that’s the only one value for std::nullptr_t.
(So the type is std::optional<std::nullptr_t>).
It’s a feasible choice, but looks weird since that pointer implies indirect access semantic,
but it’s not the case when using with std::optional<T> here.
How about using std::nullopt_t? It’s also a unit type but it’s now more confusing.
What’s does it mean by std::optional<std::nullopt_t>? A optional with empty option?
There is a static assert in std::optional<T> template that forbid this usage directly,
probably because it’s too confusing.
Maybe std::tuple<>? A tuple with zero element, so it have only one value, the empty tuple.
That seems to be a good choice because the canonical unit type in Haskell is () the empty tuple.
So it looks natural for people came from Haskell.
But personally I don’t like this either since that now the type has nested angle bracket
as std::optional<std::tuple<>>.
There is a type called std::monostate, arrived at the same time as std::optional in C++17.
This candidate do not have additional implication by it’s type or it’s name.
It’s monostate! Just a little wordy.
std::monostate is originally designed to solve the problem for a std::variant<...> to be
default initialized with any value. But it’s name and it’s characteristic are all fit our
requirement here. Thus a good choice for wrapping a function that may fail but
return nothing.
For a long long long time, Golang have no standard way to represent a iterable sequence.
C++ has range adaptor and iterator (although not strictly typed, only by concept), Python has
iterable/iterator by __iter__/__next__, JavaScript has standardized for-of and
Symbol.iterator since ES6.
Now it’s time for Golang. Starting from Golang 1.23 Aug., we have iterator functions.
funcmain() { for idx := range Iota() { if idx == 3 { break } fmt.Println(idx) // print 0 1 2 } }
According to Go 1.23 Release Notes
Now the range keyword accept three kinds of functions, for which takes another yield function
that yield zero/one/two values.
The loop control variable and the body of the for-loop is translated into the yield function by
language definition. So we can still write imperative-style loop structure even though we are
actually doing some functional-style function composition here.
Why Do We Need This?
Standardize the iterable/iterator interface is a important pre-condition for lazy evaluation.
For example, how should we do when we need to iterates through all non-negative integer,
and doing some map/filter/reduce on them? It waste space to allocate a list for all these
integers (if possible).
Someone may say “we already have channel types”.
Well, but that requires a separate coroutine instance. We probably don’t want such heavy
cost every time we are doing some iterate operations.
Also a separate coroutine means additional synchronization and lifecycle control.
For example, how can we terminate the Count coroutine when we need early break in loop?
funcmain() { for idx := range Count(0) { if idx == 10 { break } fmt.Println("Loop: ", idx) } }
We need some mechanism like context object or another channel right?
That’s a burden for such easy task here.
On the other hand, iterator functions are just ordinary function that accept another function
to yield/output the iterated values, so it’s much lightweight than a separate coroutine.
We want fast program, right? :D
The Stop Design
For languages like Python and JavaScript, the iterator function (or generator in Python terms)
is paused and the control is transfer back to the function that iterates the values.
When break/return happens and no more value are required, the iterator function just
got collected by the runtime since that there are no more references to the function object.
But how do we early break the iteration process, if the control is transfer
into the iterator function? Let’s look at the function signature again.
(Take one value iterator function for example).
func(yield func(idx int)bool)
The yield function returns a bool to indicate that whether the loop body does reach the
end, or encounter a break statement. So in normal case, we continue to next possible value
after yield return, but if we got false from yield, our iterator function
can return immediately.
Ecosystem around Iterator
The beauty of iterator only appears if the ecosystem, or we say, the common operations around
iterator are already implemented in standard library. That means:
Conversion from and to standard container types, like slicemap and chan
Operations and compositions of iterators, e.g. map/filter/reduce/chain/take …
In Python, there are generator expressions, which evolves implicit map/filter.
reduce is a function at global scope, also there are many useful functions in itertools package,
e.g. pairwise, batched, chain. Most builtin container types takes iterable as first argument
in it’s constructor.
In Golang, the first part is mostly done along the release of Golang 1.23.
For example, to convert slice from and to iterator, we can use slices.Collect and slices.Values.
For second part, there is a plan to add x/exp/xiter package under namespace.
There should be at least Concat, Map, Filter, Reduce, Zip … once it’s released.
But unfortunately it’s not compete yet.
Any/All short-circuit lazy evaluation of a predicate on a sequence of values
Forward/Backward absorb input and iterate in reversed order.
For example, if we want to define a iterator function for a binary tree in recursive manner,
we can use Empty and Pack together with Chain to implement this easily.
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type Node struct { val int left *Node right *Node }
funcTraverse(node *Node) iter.Seq[int] { // Empty is useful as base case during recursive generator chaining. if node == nil { return Empty[int]() } // Pack is useful to promote a single value into a iterable for chaining. return Chain( Traverse(node.left), Pack(node.val), Traverse(node.right), ) }
classContainer: definvoke(t: type[T]) -> T: # search and build a instance of type t
c = Container() instance: SomeType = c.invoke(SomeType) # ok, we can infer instance is SomeType
這邊 type[T] (or typing.Type[T], the old way) 用來表示我們正在用 t 來傳遞傳遞某個 type T,
而非 type 為 T 的某個 instance。
From typing document:
A variable annotated with C may accept a value of type C. In contrast, a variable annotated with
type[C] (or typing.Type[C]) may accept values that are classes themselves
The Problem
OK,我們有 type[T] 可以用。 DI library 開發者可以用型別為 type[T] 的 t 來做 indexing,
library 使用者可以享受到 static type checker 帶來的 type safety。
於是我們拿這個 library 來用在真實情境.. 沒想到一下子就碰上問題了。
當我們定義 interface type,並透過 DI container 對該 interface 拿取對應的 implementation instance 時。
因為 interface 通常是個 abstract class (or protocol),mypy type checker 會報錯
(mypy: type-abstract)。
Variables and parameters annotated with Type[Proto] accept only concrete (non-protocol) subtypes of Proto.
The main reason for this is to allow instantiation of parameters with such type. For example:
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deffun(cls: Type[Proto]) -> int: return cls().meth() # OK
由於 PEP 544 自從 2017 年就已經完成,mypy 預設執行這個檢查也行之有年,
於是為了解決這個問題,2020 有人在開了新 issue 9773 · python/mypy
想要定義新的 annotation TypeForm[T]/TypeExpr[T] 來達成要表達任意 type 的 type 的需求。
到目前 (2024-06),對應的 PEP 747 draft 也已經被提出了。
若一切順利,以後我們就會用 TypeExpr[T] 來表達這類 generic function
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classContainer: definvoke(t: TypeExpr[T]) -> T: # search and build a instance of type t
classSomeType(Protocol): ...
c = Container() instance = c.invoke(SomeType) # ok, we find a object for type SomeType for you! operator = c.invoke(Callable[[int], bool]) # you need a (int -> bool)? no problem!
至於目前嘛.. library user 在使用到這類 library 的檔案加入下面這行即可。
$ git clone Cloning into 'secure_headers'... Confirm user presence for key ECDSA-SK SHA256:........ User presence confirmed
同時在將 public key 部屬到目標機器上時,在 public key 該行前面多下 no-touch-required
即可。 (詳情請見 ssh-keygen(1) 及 sshd(8))
以此方始產生的 key pair 在使用時就不需要每次都手按一下,可以全自動使用。
不過,雖然 OpenSSH 有支援此種使用情境,但目前 GitHub 禁止這種使用方式。
節錄自上述 blog 文章
While we understand the appeal of removing the need for the taps,
we determined our current approach to require presence and intention
is the best balance between usability and security.
所以在 GitHub 上,若想要全自動操作,只能回去用一般的 SSH key 或 API token 囉。
People think that they don’t want their keys to expire,
but you actually do. Why? Because you can always extend your expiration date,
even after it has expired!